diapo deco
Chargement en cours...
  • Association à Saint-Malo
  • Association à Saint-Malo
  • Association à Saint-Malo

deco titreFrom principles to practices

Collective interest, solidarity and respect for the environment are all principles that contribute to quality tourism, at the service of people and territories.

Our Association welcomes throughout the year the diversity of the public, which is essential for living together, for meeting people and for mixing. This is reflected in :

A reasonable pricing policy
  • A control of investments and expenses to maintain moderate rates
  • Identical rates all year round: no financial exclusion of the public during vacation periods
  • Rates per bed, in shared rooms and optional made beds
An environmental approach
  • The integration of the environmental issue in all our management actions: for instance, we have subscribed to a 100% renewable electricity offer; our partner, the Blanchisserie de la Côte d'Emeraude, has obtained the European Ecolabel; our professionals use environmentally friendly cleaning products, etc.
  • Raising awareness of the public to the environmental protection approach: selective waste sorting, limiting water use, etc.
  • The mobilization of employees around a unifying project
  • Our cooking, made on the spot, takes into account the seasonality of the products. We favor short circuits and take advantage of the richness of Brittany's agricultural production (livestock, market gardening, seafood), all located nearby. 
An infrastructure that adapts to all
  • Staff trained in welcoming people with disabilities
  • Accommodation accessible for guests with disabilities
  • Buildings that meet the standards of current regulations.

An economic approach that makes sense

The dynamic of the Ty al Levenez Association is not only based on the values of the social and solidarity economy, it is also based on :

  • A guaranteed quality with simple, functional accommodation and regular investments to keep up with social developments
  • Collective spaces conducive to meetings and exchanges
  • Numerous services such as equipment for sports and leisure activities, the sale of activity tickets at preferential rates...
  • A continuous improvement approach with the support of UNAT Bretagne, the Ethic Étapes network and our partners (Tourist Office, Regional Tourist Committee...)
  • Numerous partnerships with local actors to offer rich and varied packaged stays

Association à Saint-Malo

Our network

Our Association is at the heart of a rich and diversified partnership, necessary for the development of our project and our activities.

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